The Dream

This image of Maa Sharda that Dwivedi worshipped still resides in the small temple at his son Vinaykant's home.

This image of Maa Sharda that
Dwivedi worshipped still resides in the small
temple at his son Vinaykant’s home.

One day while resting in his workshop at Karachi, he had an ethereal vision. In that vision he could see a divine young girl all decked in white. He could not understand what this meant but he could not forget the divinity of this dream.

Then the dream occurred to him once again. At this point, he decided to consult the renowned priest Shastriji Shri Nathuram. Upon hearing his description, Shastriji told him that he was experiencing a manifestation of Maa Sharda, the Goddess of learning, in his dreams. Shastriji interpreted this as Maa Sharda being pleased with him and showering her blessings on him. He requested the young Prabhulal to recite the Gayatri Mantra many times every day.

Following the instructions, Prabhulalbhai did his first Purushcharan of reciting the Gayatri Mantra for over hundred thousand times within a week. Thereafter, every month, he recited the Gayatri Mantra in a similar frequency. All his creations have divine inspiration and are able to connect with audiences at a different level. These creations are perhaps blessings of Maa Sharada and Prabhulalbhai’s utmost devotion.

Armed with these blessings the young Prabhulal perhaps made one the most radical and defining decisions of his life. He gave up his secured job in Karachi and set out to be a writer with just talent and Maa Sharda’s blessings to guide him through this unique path of life.

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